Software Developer, Technical Recruiter, HRD, VP of Corporate Development, VP of Delivery, and Head of Manufacturing, Supply Chain, and Logistics are all pivotal destinations of my career journey. Such a trajectory may raise questions for a layman: development, HR, and management seem to lie in different dimensions. In fact, for me, as a leader in a technology company, this is pretty logical.

I have always realized that all innovative solutions are created by people and for people. Given this, my goal was to obtain a non-trivial combination of technological base and knowledge about how and why people think and behave. I needed to master the skills of negotiations and sales and understand what exactly stands behind one’s goals, thinking, setting tasks, motivation, and what one’s pains and expectations are. This body of knowledge empowers me to offer technology that will be maximum beneficial. It also helps me with the team: to inspire, guide, help them grow, and become leaders.

Source de l’article sur DZONE

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